[ { "Id":1, "ChapterId":1, "Title":"Where Ravens Go", "Text":"Babylonia decided to dispatch several squads in the unknown regions of West Africa, including even elite squads like Gray Raven... (Requirement: 5 characters)", "UnlockNodeId":0 }, { "Id":2, "ChapterId":1, "Title":"Complete Search", "Text":"Liv has temporarily joined the mission to find an important tactical device. Beside Liv is the lucky survivor of the Goldfinch squad, Browning...", "UnlockNodeId":19 }, { "Id":3, "ChapterId":1, "Title":"Return", "Text":"A day ago, Browning, the leader of the Goldfinch squad, decided to look for more info about the Golden Vortex with the Goldfinch members...", "UnlockNodeId":5 }, { "Id":4, "ChapterId":1, "Title":"Another Return", "Text":"Within the Golden Vortex, Lee decided to return and find Liv who he has lost contact with...", "UnlockNodeId":13 }, { "Id":5, "ChapterId":2, "Title":"Not Forsaken", "Text":"Watanabe takes the Forsaken to the Golden Vortex. He plans to save his trapped comrades... (Requirement: 6 characters)", "UnlockNodeId":0 }, { "Id":6, "ChapterId":2, "Title":"Lone Arrow", "Text":"Bianca sneaked into the Golden Vortex, but she was met with the resistance of its guardians. She is all alone and without any help...", "UnlockNodeId":54 }, { "Id":7, "ChapterId":2, "Title":"Endurance Game", "Text":"Kamui has been following the Ascendant Roland and entered the Golden Vortex. Before so, they had been battling for several hundred hours straight...", "UnlockNodeId":66 }, { "Id":8, "ChapterId":2, "Title":"Temper", "Text":"The fight between Watanabe and Bianca comes to an end, but the rescued Forsaken seem to be in a strange condition...", "UnlockNodeId":65 }, { "Id":9, "ChapterId":3, "Title":"Powerful Reinforcement", "Text":"After nearly 4 hours of communication block, HQ sent Karenina to clear out the heavy fog in the Golden Vortex... (This chapter requires 7 characters.)", "UnlockNodeId":0 }, { "Id":10, "ChapterId":3, "Title":"Pride", "Text":"Roland has experienced the power of the Golden Antibody firsthand, leaving him with only two options: to destroy it or to run\u2026", "UnlockNodeId":116 }, { "Id":11, "ChapterId":3, "Title":"Unknown", "Text":"Nanami has a very unique action pattern, she flitted among the well-built defenses of the Golden Vortex\u2026", "UnlockNodeId":119 }, { "Id":12, "ChapterId":3, "Title":"Wandering", "Text":"The Corrupted had the upper hand with their numbers and had wanted to exhaust Kamui by taking turns attacking, but it turned into a suffering for the Corrupted instead\u2026", "UnlockNodeId":114 }, { "Id":13, "ChapterId":4, "Title":"The Truth", "Text":"After collecting information from different sources, the secret of the Golden Queen and Golden Antibody was uncovered. (This chapter requires 9 characters.)", "UnlockNodeId":0 }, { "Id":14, "ChapterId":4, "Title":"A Two-sided Problem", "Text":"No matter when, the Ascendants and Punishing are problems Kamui must face.", "UnlockNodeId":167 }, { "Id":15, "ChapterId":4, "Title":"Overall", "Text":"After communication was restored, Babylonia soldiers finally had a chance to request backup from HQ..", "UnlockNodeId":157 }, { "Id":16, "ChapterId":4, "Title":"The Fall of the Golden", "Text":"At the peak of the Golden Vortex, Babylonia soldiers confronted the Golden Queen...", "UnlockNodeId":165 } ]