[ { "Id": 1, "Name": "Lurking Stack <color=#5A80A4><size=26>Normal</size></color>", "Desc": "<size=25>\u00b7 Battle Reboot Attempts: 8</size>", "StoryDesc": "Even a semblance of tranquility is rare to have\u2014", "ConditionId": null, "ChapterGroupId": 1, "FirstPassFlag": 1.0, "CharacterExpRate": 0.5, "BPExpRate": 1.0, "BgIcon": null, "FightEvents": [ null, 2251201, null, null ], "RebootId": 1 }, { "Id": 2, "Name": "Lurking Stack <color=#5A80A4><size=26>Normal</size></color>", "Desc": "<size=25>\u00b7 Battle Reboot Attempts: 8</size>", "StoryDesc": "Even a semblance of tranquility is rare to have\u2014", "ConditionId": null, "ChapterGroupId": 100, "FirstPassFlag": null, "CharacterExpRate": 0.5, "BPExpRate": 1.0, "BgIcon": null, "FightEvents": [ null, 2251202, null, null ], "RebootId": 1 }, { "Id": 3, "Name": "Bottom-Layer Contamination <color=#C76F3F><size=26>Hard</size></color>", "Desc": "<size=25>\u00b7 Battle Reboot Attempts: 5\\n\u00b7 Reboot Cost +50%\\n\u00b7 Enemy morale raised</size>", "StoryDesc": "With calamity looming, press on toward the end\u2014", "ConditionId": 1020001.0, "ChapterGroupId": 200, "FirstPassFlag": null, "CharacterExpRate": 1.0, "BPExpRate": 2.0, "BgIcon": null, "FightEvents": [ null, 2251203, null, null ], "RebootId": 2 }, { "Id": 4, "Name": "Leak Burst <color=#B95E5E><size=26>Nightmare</size></color>", "Desc": "<size=25>\u00b7 Battle Reboot Attempts: 3\\n\u00b7 Reboot Cost +150%\\n\u00b7 <color=#CD5555>Enemy morale high</color>\\n\u00b7 <color=#CD5555>Recommended BP: 7500</color></size>", "StoryDesc": "Look around, yet no foothold is in sight\u2014", "ConditionId": 1020009.0, "ChapterGroupId": 300, "FirstPassFlag": null, "CharacterExpRate": 1.2, "BPExpRate": 2.5, "BgIcon": null, "FightEvents": [ null, 2251204, null, null ], "RebootId": 3 } ]