XPurchaseManagerCreator = function() local XPurchaseManager = {} local PurchaseRequest = { PurchaseGetDailyRewardReq = "PurchaseGetDailyRewardRequest", GetPurchaseListReq = "GetPurchaseListRequest", -- 采购列表请求 PurchaseReq = "PurchaseRequest", -- 普通采购请求 } local Next = _G.next local PurchaseInfosData = {} local PurchaseLbRedUiTypes = {} local AccumulatedData = {} local LBExpireIdKey = "LBExpireIdKey" local LBExpireIdDic = nil local IsYKShowContinueBuy = false local PurchaseInfoDataDic = {} local MutexPurchaseDic = {} function XPurchaseManager.Init() XPurchaseManager.CurBuyIds = {} XPurchaseManager.GiftValidCb = function(uiTypeList, cb) XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.PurchaseGiftValidTimeCb(uiTypeList, cb) end end -- 按UiTypes取数据 function XPurchaseManager.GetDatasByUiTypes(uiTypes) local data = {} for _, uiType in pairs(uiTypes) do table.insert(data, PurchaseInfosData[uiType] or {}) end return data end -- 判断是否UiTypes都有数据 function XPurchaseManager.IsHaveDataByUiTypes(uiTypes) for _, uiType in pairs(uiTypes) do if not PurchaseInfosData[uiType] then return false end end return true end -- 按UiType取数据 -- 可以考虑用GetPurchasePackagesByUiType新接口 function XPurchaseManager.GetDatasByUiType(uiType) local payUiTypes = XPurchaseConfigs.GetPayUiTypes() if payUiTypes[uiType] then return XPayConfigs.GetPayConfig() end if not PurchaseInfosData[uiType] then PurchaseInfosData[uiType] = {} end return PurchaseInfosData[uiType] end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseInfoDataById(id) for _, datas in pairs(PurchaseInfosData) do for _, data in pairs(datas) do if data.Id == id then return data end end end end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchasePackageById(id) for _, datas in pairs(PurchaseInfosData) do for _, data in pairs(datas) do if data.Id == id then return XPurchaseManager.CreatePurchasePackage(id, data) end end end end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchasePackagesByUiType(uiType) local rawDatas = XPurchaseManager.GetDatasByUiType(uiType) local results = {} local purchasePackage for _, data in ipairs(rawDatas) do table.insert(results, XPurchaseManager.CreatePurchasePackage(data.Id, data)) end return results end function XPurchaseManager.ClearData() local uiTypes = XPurchaseConfigs.GetYKUiTypes() local yktype = nil if uiTypes and uiTypes[1] then yktype = uiTypes[1] end if yktype then local d = PurchaseInfosData[yktype] PurchaseInfosData = {} PurchaseInfosData[yktype] = d else PurchaseInfosData = {} end end -- RPC -- // 失效时间 -- public int TimeToInvalid; -- 采购列表请求 -- public List PurchaseInfoList; function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseListRequest(uiTypeList, cb) if XTool.IsTableEmpty(uiTypeList) then return end XNetwork.Call(PurchaseRequest.GetPurchaseListReq, { UiTypeList = uiTypeList }, function(res) if res.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(res.Code) return end XPurchaseManager.HandlePurchaseData(uiTypeList, res.PurchaseInfoList) if cb then cb() end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_PURCAHSE_YKMAINREFRESH) local LBDicTmp = XPurchaseConfigs.GetLBUiTypesDic() local YKDicTmp = XPurchaseConfigs.GetYKUiTypes() local isLbData = false local isYKData = false for _,v in pairs(uiTypeList)do if not isLbData and LBDicTmp[v] then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_LB_UPDATE) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_PURCAHSE_BUYUSERIYUAN) isLbData = true end if not isYKData and YKDicTmp[v] then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_YK_UPDATE) isYKData = true end end end) end -- 处理返回的数据 function XPurchaseManager.HandlePurchaseData(uiTypeList, purchaseInfoList) if not purchaseInfoList then return end for _, uiType in pairs(uiTypeList) do PurchaseInfosData[uiType] = {} PurchaseInfoDataDic[uiType] = {} MutexPurchaseDic[uiType] = {} end for _, v in pairs(purchaseInfoList) do if v.UiType then table.insert(PurchaseInfosData[v.UiType], v) PurchaseInfoDataDic[v.UiType][v.Id] = v --以下用于处理互斥内容 if v.MutexPurchaseIds and next(v.MutexPurchaseIds) ~= nil then MutexPurchaseDic[v.UiType][v.Id] = v.MutexPurchaseIds end end end end -- 普通采购请求 -- public List RewardList; function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseRequest(id, cb, count, discountId, uiTypeList) if not discountId then -- 等于 -1 为不使用打折券 discountId = -1 end if not count then -- 默认数量为1 count = 1 end if count > 1 and discountId ~= -1 then -- 打折券不能使用批量购买 XUiManager.TipError(CS.XTextManager.GetText("PurchaseErrorCantMultiplyWithDiscount")) return end if not uiTypeList then uiTypeList = {} end XNetwork.Call(PurchaseRequest.PurchaseReq, { Id = id, Count = count, DiscountId = discountId, UiTypeList = uiTypeList }, function(res) if res.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(res.Code) return end XPurchaseManager.CurBuyIds[id] = id if res.RewardList and res.RewardList[1] and Next(res.RewardList[1]) then XUiManager.OpenUiObtain(res.RewardList) else XUiManager.TipText("PurchaseLBBuySuccessTips") end XPurchaseManager.PurchaseSuccess(id, res.PurchaseInfo, res.NewPurchaseInfoList) if cb then cb(res.RewardList) end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_LB_UPDATE) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CARD_REFRESH_WELFARE_BTN) end) end -- 采购成功修正数据 function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseSuccess(id, purchaseInfo, newPurchaseInfoList) XPurchaseManager.UpdateSingleData(id, purchaseInfo) if newPurchaseInfoList and Next(newPurchaseInfoList) then local uiTypeList = {} for _, v in pairs(newPurchaseInfoList) do if nil == uiTypeList[v.UiType] then uiTypeList[v.UiType] = {} end table.insert(uiTypeList[v.UiType], v) end for uiType,purchaseList in pairs(uiTypeList) do PurchaseInfosData[uiType] = purchaseList end end local LbExpireIds = XPurchaseManager.GetLbExpireIds() if XPurchaseManager.HaveNewPlayerHint(id) then LbExpireIds[id] = nil XPurchaseManager.SaveLBExpireIds(LbExpireIds) end end function XPurchaseManager.UpdateSingleData(id, purchaseInfo) local f = false for _, datas in pairs(PurchaseInfosData) do for _, data in pairs(datas) do if data.Id == id then if (not purchaseInfo or Next(purchaseInfo) == nil) then data.IsSelloutHide = true elseif data.BuyLimitTimes == data.BuyTimes + 1 then data.BuyTimes = data.BuyLimitTimes else XPurchaseManager.SetData(data, purchaseInfo) end f = true break end end if f then break end end end function XPurchaseManager.SetData(data, purchaseInfo) if not purchaseInfo then return end data.TimeToUnShelve = purchaseInfo.TimeToUnShelve data.Tag = purchaseInfo.Tag data.Priority = purchaseInfo.Priority data.Icon = purchaseInfo.Icon data.DailyRewardRemainDay = purchaseInfo.DailyRewardRemainDay data.UiType = purchaseInfo.UiType data.ConsumeId = purchaseInfo.ConsumeId data.TimeToShelve = purchaseInfo.TimeToShelve data.BuyTimes = purchaseInfo.BuyTimes data.Desc = purchaseInfo.Desc data.RewardGoodsList = purchaseInfo.RewardGoodsList data.BuyLimitTimes = purchaseInfo.BuyLimitTimes data.ConsumeCount = purchaseInfo.ConsumeCount data.Name = purchaseInfo.Name data.TimeToInvalid = purchaseInfo.TimeToInvalid data.IsDailyRewardGet = purchaseInfo.IsDailyRewardGet data.Id = purchaseInfo.Id data.DailyRewardGoodsList = purchaseInfo.DailyRewardGoodsList data.FirstRewardGoods = purchaseInfo.FirstRewardGoods data.ExtraRewardGoods = purchaseInfo.ExtraRewardGoods data.ClientResetInfo = purchaseInfo.ClientResetInfo data.IsUseMail = purchaseInfo.IsUseMail or false end -- 领奖(月卡) function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseGetDailyRewardRequest(id, cb, failCb) XNetwork.Call(PurchaseRequest.PurchaseGetDailyRewardReq, { Id = id }, function(res) if res.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(res.Code) if failCb then failCb() end return end XPurchaseManager.GetRewardSuccess(id, res.PurchaseInfo) if cb then cb(res.RewardList) end -- 设置月卡信息本地缓存 XPurchaseManager.SetYKLocalCache() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CARD_REFRESH_WELFARE_BTN) end) end -- 领奖成功修正数据 function XPurchaseManager.GetRewardSuccess(id, purchaseInfo) XPurchaseManager.UpdateSingleData(id, purchaseInfo) end -- 请求礼包数据 function XPurchaseManager.LBInfoDataReq(cb) local uiTypeList = XPurchaseConfigs.GetLBUiTypesList() XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseListRequest(uiTypeList, cb) end -- 请求月卡数据 function XPurchaseManager.YKInfoDataReq(cb) local uiTypeList = XPurchaseConfigs.GetYKUiTypes() XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseListRequest(uiTypeList, cb) end --这里用于查询互斥的月卡是否已经被购入过 function XPurchaseManager.CheckMutexPurchaseYKBuy(uiType, id) if MutexPurchaseDic[uiType] and MutexPurchaseDic[uiType][id] then local MutexPurList = MutexPurchaseDic[uiType][id] for _, kId in pairs(MutexPurList) do return XPurchaseManager.IsYkBuyed(uiType, kId) end end return false end -- Get月卡数据 function XPurchaseManager.GetYKInfoData(uitype, id) if PurchaseInfoDataDic[uitype] and PurchaseInfoDataDic[uitype][id] then return PurchaseInfoDataDic[uitype][id] end return nil end -- 获取当前已购买非邮件发放月卡数据(只能有一种已购买月卡) -- 只能写死UiType类型:2 function XPurchaseManager.GetCurBoughtYKData() if PurchaseInfoDataDic[2] and next(PurchaseInfoDataDic[2]) then for id, data in pairs(PurchaseInfoDataDic[2]) do if not data.IsUseMail and XPurchaseManager.IsYkBuyed(2, id) then return data end end end return nil end -- 是否已经买过了 function XPurchaseManager.IsYkBuyed(param1, param2) local data = XPurchaseManager.GetYKInfoData(param1, param2) if not data then return false end return data.DailyRewardRemainDay > 0 end function XPurchaseManager.FreeLBRed() if not XPurchaseManager.CurFreeRewardId or not Next(XPurchaseManager.CurFreeRewardId) then return false end if not XPurchaseManager.CurBuyIds or not Next(XPurchaseManager.CurBuyIds) then return true end for _, id in pairs(XPurchaseManager.CurFreeRewardId) do if not XPurchaseManager.CurBuyIds[id] then return true end end return false end -- Notify function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseDailyNotify(info) XPurchaseManager.CurFreeRewardId = {} if info and info.FreeRewardInfoList and Next(info.FreeRewardInfoList) then for _, v in pairs(info.FreeRewardInfoList) do XPurchaseManager.CurFreeRewardId[v.Id] = v.Id end end if info and info.ExpireInfoList and Next(info.ExpireInfoList) then XPurchaseManager:UpdatePurchaseGiftValidTime(info.ExpireInfoList) end -- 处理月卡红点 if info and info.DailyRewardInfoList and Next(info.DailyRewardInfoList) then for _, v in pairs(info.DailyRewardInfoList) do if v.Id == XPurchaseConfigs.PurChaseCardId then XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.YKInfoDataReq(function() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CARD_REFRESH_WELFARE_BTN) -- 设置月卡信息本地缓存 XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.SetYKLocalCache() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_DAYLY_REFESH_RECHARGE_BTN) end) end end end end function XPurchaseManager:UpdatePurchaseGiftValidTime(expireInfoList) local uiTypeList = XPurchaseConfigs.GetLBUiTypesList() for _, v in pairs(expireInfoList) do if v.Id == XPurchaseConfigs.PurChaseCardId then XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.YKInfoDataReq(function() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CARD_REFRESH_WELFARE_BTN) -- 设置月卡信息本地缓存 XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.SetYKLocalCache() XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_DAYLY_REFESH_RECHARGE_BTN) end) end end if uiTypeList and Next(uiTypeList) ~= nil then XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseListRequest(uiTypeList, function() XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.PurchaseGiftValidTimeCb(uiTypeList, expireInfoList) end) end end function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseGiftValidTimeCb(uiTypeList, expireInfoList) local datas = XPurchaseManager.GetDatasByUiTypes(uiTypeList) -- local f = false--是否有一个礼包重新买了。 local count = 0 local LbExpireIds = XPurchaseManager.GetLbExpireIds() if datas then for _, v0 in pairs(expireInfoList) do if XPurchaseConfigs.IsLBByPassID(v0.Id) then for _, data in pairs(datas) do for _, v1 in pairs(data) do if v1.Id == v0.Id then if v1.BuyTimes > 0 and v1.DailyRewardRemainDay > 0 then if XPurchaseManager.HaveNewPlayerHint(v0.Id) then LbExpireIds[v0.Id] = nil end else if not XPurchaseManager.HaveNewPlayerHint(v0.Id) then LbExpireIds[v0.Id] = v0.Id count = count + 1 end end end end end end end end XPurchaseManager.SaveLBExpireIds(LbExpireIds) XPurchaseManager.ExpireCount = count -- local f = count == 0 -- if not f then -- XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_LB_EXPIRE_NOTIFY,count) -- end end function XPurchaseManager.HaveNewPlayerHint(id) if not id then return false end local ids = XPurchaseManager.GetLbExpireIds() return ids[id] ~= nil end function XPurchaseManager.SaveLBExpireIds(ids) if XPlayer.Id and ids then local idsstr = "" for _, v in pairs(ids) do if v then idsstr = idsstr .. v .. "_" end end local key = string.format("%s_%s", tostring(XPlayer.Id), LBExpireIdKey) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, idsstr) CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.Save() LBExpireIdDic = nil end end function XPurchaseManager.GetLbExpireIds() if LBExpireIdDic then return LBExpireIdDic end if XPlayer.Id then LBExpireIdDic = {} local key = string.format("%s_%s", tostring(XPlayer.Id), LBExpireIdKey) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then local str = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(key) or "" for id in string.gmatch(str, "%d+") do local v = tonumber(id) LBExpireIdDic[v] = v end end end return LBExpireIdDic end -- 红点相关 function XPurchaseManager.LBRedPoint() local uiTypeList = XPurchaseConfigs.GetLBUiTypesList() local datas = XPurchaseManager.GetDatasByUiTypes(uiTypeList) PurchaseLbRedUiTypes = {} if datas then local f = false for _, data in pairs(datas) do for _, v in pairs(data) do if v and v.ConsumeCount == 0 then local curtime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() if (v.BuyTimes == 0 or v.BuyTimes < v.BuyLimitTimes) and (v.TimeToShelve == 0 or v.TimeToShelve < curtime) and (v.TimeToUnShelve == 0 or v.TimeToUnShelve > curtime) then f = true PurchaseLbRedUiTypes[v.UiType] = v.UiType end end end end return f end return false end function XPurchaseManager.LBRedPointUiTypes() return PurchaseLbRedUiTypes end -- 累计充值相关 function XPurchaseManager.NotifyAccumulatedPayData(info) if not info then return end AccumulatedData.PayId = info.PayId or 0--累计充值id AccumulatedData.PayMoney = info.PayMoney or 0--累计充值数量 AccumulatedData.PayRewardIds = {}--已领取的奖励Id if info.PayRewardIds then for _, id in pairs(info.PayRewardIds) do AccumulatedData.PayRewardIds[id] = id end end end function XPurchaseManager.IsAccumulateEnterOpen() return AccumulatedData.PayId and AccumulatedData.PayId > 0 and XFunctionManager.JudgeOpen(XFunctionManager.FunctionName.PurchaseAdd) and not XFunctionManager.CheckFunctionFitter(XFunctionManager.FunctionName.PurchaseAdd) end function XPurchaseManager.NotifyAccumulatedPayMoney(info) if not info then return end AccumulatedData.PayMoney = info.PayMoney XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACCUMULATED_UPDATE) end -- 累计充值数量 function XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatedPayCount() return math.floor(AccumulatedData.PayMoney or 0) end -- 领取累计充值奖励 function XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatePayReq(payId, rewardId, cb) if not payId or not rewardId then return end XNetwork.Call("GetAccumulatePayRequest", { PayId = payId, RewardId = rewardId }, function(res) if res.Code ~= XCode.Success then XUiManager.TipCode(res.Code) return end AccumulatedData.PayRewardIds[rewardId] = rewardId local rewardGoodsList = res.RewardGoodsList if rewardGoodsList and Next(rewardGoodsList) then XUiManager.OpenUiObtain(rewardGoodsList) if cb then cb(rewardGoodsList) end end XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_ACCUMULATED_REWARD) end ) end -- 奖励是否已经领过 function XPurchaseManager.AccumulateRewardGeted(id) if not id then return false end return AccumulatedData.PayRewardIds[id] ~= nil end -- 取当前累计充值id function XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatePayId() return AccumulatedData.PayId end -- 累计充值奖励 function XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatePayConfig() local id = AccumulatedData.PayId if not id or id < 0 then return end return XPurchaseConfigs.GetAccumulatePayConfigById(id) end function XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatePayTimeStr() local id = AccumulatedData.PayId if not id or id < 0 then return end local config = XPurchaseConfigs.GetAccumulatePayConfigById(id) if config.Type == XPurchaseConfigs.PayAddType.Forever then return end local beginTime, endTime = XFunctionManager.GetTimeByTimeId(config.TimeId) return XTime.TimestampToGameDateTimeString(beginTime), XTime.TimestampToGameDateTimeString(endTime) end -- 累计充值奖励红点 function XPurchaseManager.AccumulatePayRedPoint() local id = AccumulatedData.PayId if not id or id < 0 then return false end local payConfig = XPurchaseConfigs.GetAccumulatePayConfigById(id) if payConfig then local rewardsId = payConfig.PayRewardId if rewardsId or Next(rewardsId) then for _, tmpId in pairs(rewardsId) do local payRewardConfig = XPurchaseConfigs.GetAccumulateRewardConfigById(tmpId) local count = AccumulatedData.PayMoney if payRewardConfig and payRewardConfig.Money then if payRewardConfig.Money <= count then if not XPurchaseManager.AccumulateRewardGeted(tmpId) then return true end end end end end end return false end function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseResponse(data) if data.RewardList and data.RewardList[1] and Next(data.RewardList[1]) then XUiManager.OpenUiObtain(data.RewardList) else XUiManager.TipText("PurchaseLBBuySuccessTips") end if data.PurchaseInfo and (data.PurchaseInfo.UiType == XPurchaseConfigs.YKType.Month) then if data and data.PurchaseInfo and data.PurchaseInfo.DailyRewardGoodsList and #data.PurchaseInfo.DailyRewardGoodsList > 0 then XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.PurchaseGetDailyRewardRequest(data.Id, function(rewardItems) XUiManager.OpenUiObtain(rewardItems) --海外定制:自动领取月卡时候弹窗 end) end end XPurchaseManager.PurchaseSuccess(data.Id, data.PurchaseInfo, data.NewPurchaseInfoList) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_CARD_REFRESH_WELFARE_BTN) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_PURCAHSE_BUYUSERIYUAN) XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_LB_UPDATE) XDataCenter.PayManager.ClearCurrentPayId(data.Id) end function XPurchaseManager.PurchaseAddRewardState(id) if not id then return end local itemData = XPurchaseConfigs.GetAccumulateRewardConfigById(id) if not itemData then return end local money = itemData.Money local count = XPurchaseManager.GetAccumulatedPayCount() if count >= money then if not XPurchaseManager.AccumulateRewardGeted(id) then --能领,没有领。 return XPurchaseConfigs.PurchaseRewardAddState.CanGet else --已经领 return XPurchaseConfigs.PurchaseRewardAddState.Geted end else --退款 if XPurchaseManager.AccumulateRewardGeted(id) then --已经领 return XPurchaseConfigs.PurchaseRewardAddState.Geted end --不能领,钱不够。 return XPurchaseConfigs.PurchaseRewardAddState.CanotGet end end -- 月卡继续购买红点相关 function XPurchaseManager.SetYKLocalCache() local data = XPurchaseManager.GetYKInfoData() if not data then return end local key = XPrefs.YKLocalCache .. tostring(XPlayer.Id) local count = 0 if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then count = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetInt(key) else CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, count) end if data.DailyRewardRemainDay and count ~= data.DailyRewardRemainDay then local continueBuyDays = XPurchaseConfigs.PurYKContinueBuyDays if data.DailyRewardRemainDay > continueBuyDays then CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(key, data.DailyRewardRemainDay) end if count > 0 and data.DailyRewardRemainDay <= continueBuyDays then IsYKShowContinueBuy = true else IsYKShowContinueBuy = false end end end -- 检查是否显示购买月卡红点 function XPurchaseManager.CheckYKContinueBuy() if not IsYKShowContinueBuy then return IsYKShowContinueBuy end local key = XPrefs.YKContinueBuy .. tostring(XPlayer.Id) if CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.HasKey(key) then local time = CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.GetString(key) local now = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() local todayFreshTime = XTime.GetSeverTodayFreshTime() local yesterdayFreshTime = XTime.GetSeverYesterdayFreshTime() local tempTime = now >= todayFreshTime and todayFreshTime or yesterdayFreshTime return tostring(tempTime) ~= time else return true end end -- 设置当日购买月卡红点已读 function XPurchaseManager.SetYKContinueBuy() local key = XPrefs.YKContinueBuy .. tostring(XPlayer.Id) local now = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() local todayFreshTime = XTime.GetSeverTodayFreshTime() local yesterdayFreshTime = XTime.GetSeverYesterdayFreshTime() local tempTime = now >= todayFreshTime and todayFreshTime or yesterdayFreshTime CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, tostring(tempTime)) local data = XPurchaseManager.GetYKInfoData() if not data then return end local cacheKey = XPrefs.YKLocalCache .. tostring(XPlayer.Id) if data.DailyRewardRemainDay <= 0 then CS.UnityEngine.PlayerPrefs.SetInt(cacheKey, data.DailyRewardRemainDay) end end -- 获取折扣值 0-1 的值 function XPurchaseManager.GetLBDiscountValue(lbData) local buyTimes = lbData.BuyTimes local normalDiscounts = lbData.NormalDiscounts local disCountValue = 1 if not normalDiscounts or #normalDiscounts <= 0 then disCountValue = 1 else for i = buyTimes, 0, -1 do local curTimes = i + 1 if normalDiscounts[curTimes] then disCountValue = normalDiscounts[curTimes] / 10000 break end end end return disCountValue end function XPurchaseManager.GetLBCouponDiscountValue(lbData, index) if not lbData.DiscountCouponInfos then return nil end if not lbData.DiscountCouponInfos[index] then return nil end return lbData.DiscountCouponInfos[index].Value / 10000 end function XPurchaseManager.RemoveNotInTimeDiscountCoupon(lbData) if not lbData.DiscountCouponInfos or #lbData.DiscountCouponInfos <= 0 then return end local nowTime = XTime.GetServerNowTimestamp() for i=#lbData.DiscountCouponInfos, 1, -1 do local startTime = lbData.DiscountCouponInfos[i].BeginTime local endTime = lbData.DiscountCouponInfos[i].EndTime if nowTime < startTime or nowTime > endTime then table.remove(lbData.DiscountCouponInfos, i) end end end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseData(uiType, id) local payUiTypes = XPurchaseConfigs.GetPayUiTypes() local infos if payUiTypes[uiType] then infos = XPayConfigs.GetPayConfig() for _, v in pairs(infos or {}) do if v.Id == id then return v end end end infos = PurchaseInfosData[uiType] for _, v in pairs(infos or {}) do if v.Id == id then return v end end end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseDataById(id) local payInfos = XPayConfigs.GetPayConfig() for _,v in pairs(payInfos or {}) do if v.Id == id then return v end end for _, list in pairs(PurchaseInfosData or {}) do for _, v in pairs(list or {}) do if v.Id == id then return v end end end end function XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseMaxBuyCount(purchaseData) local buyTimes = purchaseData.BuyTimes local maxBuyTimes = nil if purchaseData.BuyLimitTimes and purchaseData.BuyLimitTimes > 0 then -- 限购数量 maxBuyTimes = purchaseData.BuyLimitTimes - buyTimes end if purchaseData.NormalDiscounts then -- 存在打折 local curTimes = buyTimes + 1 local lastDiscountAreaTimes = 0 -- 下一个打折区间次数 for times, _ in pairs(purchaseData.NormalDiscounts) do if curTimes < times then if lastDiscountAreaTimes == 0 then lastDiscountAreaTimes = times else if lastDiscountAreaTimes > times then lastDiscountAreaTimes = times end end end end if lastDiscountAreaTimes ~= 0 then local canBuyCountByDiscount = lastDiscountAreaTimes - curTimes if maxBuyTimes > canBuyCountByDiscount then maxBuyTimes = canBuyCountByDiscount end end end return maxBuyTimes end function XPurchaseManager.OpenYKPackageBuyUi(notEnoughCb, beforeBuyCb, buyFinishedCb) local callback = function() local data = XPurchaseManager.GetPurchasePackageById(XPurchaseConfigs.YKID) if data:GetCurrentBuyTime() > 0 then local clientResetInfo = data:GetClientResetInfo() if not (clientResetInfo and clientResetInfo.DayCount >= data:GetDailyRewardRemainDay() and data:GetCurrentBuyTime() < data:GetBuyLimitTime()) then XUiManager.TipText("PurchaseNotBuy") return end end XPurchaseManager.OpenPurchaseBuyUiByPurchasePackage(data, notEnoughCb, beforeBuyCb, buyFinishedCb) end XPurchaseManager.RequestUpdateDataByTabType(XPurchaseConfigs.TabsConfig.YK, callback) end function XPurchaseManager.OpenPurchaseBuyUiByPurchasePackage(data, notEnoughCb, beforeBuyCb, buyFinishedCb) local templateId, isWeaponFashion = data:CheckIsSingleFashion() -- 皮肤礼包特殊处理 if templateId and data:GetUiType() == XPurchaseConfigs.UiType.CoatingLB then local buyData = data:GetUiFashionDetailBuyData(buyFinishedCb) -- 从推荐页跳转需要购买冷却 XLuaUiManager.Open("UiFashionDetail", templateId, isWeaponFashion, buyData, nil, true) else local mergeBeforeBuyCb = function(successCb) data:HandleBeforeBuy(successCb) if beforeBuyCb then beforeBuyCb(successCb) end end local mergeBuyFinishedCb = function(rewardList) data:HandleBuyFinished(rewardList) if buyFinishedCb then buyFinishedCb(rewardList) end if data:GetId() == XPurchaseConfigs.YKID then XEventManager.DispatchEvent(XEventId.EVENT_VIP_CARD_BUY_SUCCESS) end end local mergeCheckBuy = function(count, disCountCouponIndex) return data:CheckCanBuy(count, disCountCouponIndex, notEnoughCb) end XLuaUiManager.Open("UiPurchaseBuyTips", data:GetRawData(), mergeCheckBuy , mergeBuyFinishedCb, mergeBeforeBuyCb, data:GetUiTypes()) end end function XPurchaseManager.RequestUpdateDataByTabType(tabType, callback) local uiTypes = {} local configs = XPurchaseConfigs.GetUiTypesByTab(tabType) for _, config in pairs(configs) do table.insert(uiTypes, config.UiType) end XPurchaseManager.GetPurchaseListRequest(uiTypes, callback) end function XPurchaseManager.GetYKTabPurchasePackages() local uiTypes = XPurchaseConfigs.GetUiTypesByTab(XPurchaseConfigs.TabsConfig.YK) local result = {} for _, v in ipairs(uiTypes) do result = appendArray(result, XPurchaseManager.GetPurchasePackagesByUiType(v.UiType)) end return result end local PurchasePackageId2Class = { -- [XPurchaseConfigs.YKID] = require("XEntity/XPurchase/XYKPurchasePackage") -- 英文服有多个月卡 [83028] = require("XEntity/XPurchase/XYKPurchasePackage"), [90032] = require("XEntity/XPurchase/XYKPurchasePackage") } function XPurchaseManager.CreatePurchasePackage(id, data) local result = nil local class = PurchasePackageId2Class[id] if class == nil then class = require("XEntity/XPurchase/XPurchasePackage") end result = class.New(id) result:InitWithServerData(data) return result end function XPurchaseManager.GetRecommendManager() if XPurchaseManager.__RecommendManager == nil then local class = require("XEntity/XPurchase/XPurchaseRecommendManager") XPurchaseManager.__RecommendManager = class.New() end return XPurchaseManager.__RecommendManager end XPurchaseManager.Init() return XPurchaseManager end XRpc.PurchaseDailyNotify = function(info) XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.PurchaseDailyNotify(info) end XRpc.NotifyAccumulatedPayData = function(info) XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.NotifyAccumulatedPayData(info) end XRpc.NotifyAccumulatedPayMoney = function(info) XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.NotifyAccumulatedPayMoney(info) end XRpc.PurchaseResponse = function(info) XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.PurchaseResponse(info) end XRpc.NotifyPurchaseRecommendConfig = function(data) local purchaseRecommendManager = XDataCenter.PurchaseManager.GetRecommendManager() purchaseRecommendManager:AddOrModifyRecommendConfigs(data.Data.AddOrModifyConfigs) purchaseRecommendManager:DeleteRecommendConfigs(data.Data.RemoveIds) end