705 lines
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705 lines
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"TitleCN":"Construct Research",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Basic Mode",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Target Mode",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"New characters arrive",
"BaseRules[1]":"Random A-Rank or above character is guaranteed every 10 research attempts in Basic Mode.",
"BaseRules[2]":"In Target Mode where you can select a character, an A-Rank or above character is guaranteed every 10 research attempts. You will have a higer chance of getting the selected A-Rank character if you get an A-Rank character.",
"BaseRules[3]":"Please check the relevant announcements for the implementation schedule of new A-Rank characters into Targeted Mode.",
"BaseRules[4]":"In the targeted character pool, the guarantee value of A-Rank and S-Rank characters will not be affected when you change your selected character, which means the guarantee progress is inherited even if you changed the selector before you trigger the guarantee.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next A-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Weapon Research",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed 5\u2605 or above Weapon for every 10 attempts.",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed 6\u2605 Weapon every 30 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts 5\u2605 Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"30 Attempts 6\u2605 Guaranteed",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive 5\u2605 or above Weapon for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive 6\u2605 Weapon for every 30 research attempts.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed 6\u2605",
"TitleCN":"Target Weapon Research",
"TitleEN":"Optional Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Choose any set (80% chance to receive the chosen 6\u2605 Weapon when getting a 6\u2605 Weapon)",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed 5\u2605 or above Weapon for every 10 attempts.",
"MainRules[3]":"Guaranteed 6\u2605 Weapon every 30 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Custom Set",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Target Mode Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Choose a Weapon Set for your research. The chosen set will get an increased chance to receive. ",
"BaseRules[2]":"In Target Mode, the chance of chosen Weapon set will increase greatly.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed 6\u2605",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next 6\u2605 weapon pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target. "
"TitleCN":"Dormitory Research",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed Coating Blueprint Sketch every 10 attempts.",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Research Outcome",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Research Notes",
"BaseRules[1]":"May drop Decor, Blueprints, Coating Sketches, and Residence Permits.",
"BaseRules[2]":"New Decors are not added to the pool yet.",
"TitleCN":"Themed Target Weapon",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"100% to receive 5\u2605 or above Weapon for every 10 research attempts.",
"MainRules[2]":"100% to receive 6\u2605 or above Weapon for every 30 research attempts.",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 rounds for 5\u2605 Weapon guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"30 rounds for 6\u2605 Weapon guarantee",
"BaseRules[1]":"100% to receive 5\u2605 or above Weapon for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"100% to receive 6\u2605 or above Weapon for every 30 research attempts.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In 6\u2605 Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"If a 6\u2605 Weapon is researched, it has an 80% chance to be the rate-up weapon.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed 6\u2605",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next 6\u2605 weapon pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target. "
"TitleCN":"Themed Construct",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts A-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive A-Rank or above Construct for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive S-Rank Construct for every 60 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[3]":"The guarantee is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after an [Arrival Construct Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Construct Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In S-Rank Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank character is researched, 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Arrival Construct",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Calibration System",
"BaseRules[1]":"In Targeted Mode where you can select a character, an S-Rank character is guaranteed in every 60 research attempts. You will have a better chance of getting the selected S-Rank character when you get an S-Rank character.",
"BaseRules[2]":"The guarantee value is inherited between the same type of pools and is applied in the Calibration System. For example, after an [Arrival Construct Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Construct Pool].",
"BaseRules[3]":"The Calibration System will be activated when the newly-pulled character is not your targeted one. The next S-Rank pulled is guaranteed to be your target.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In S-Rank Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank character is researched, 70% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Fate Arrival Construct",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"1. Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"2. Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 80-100 attempts",
"MainRules[3]":"3. The overall chance is the same as the Arrival Construct Pool",
"MainRules[4]":"4. The S-Rank base chance increased",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Floating Guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base chance (excluding the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined chance (including the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRuleTitles[5]":"Calibration System",
"BaseRules[1]":"A value will be generated randomly between 80 and 100. For example, if the value is 90, an S-Rank Construct is guaranteed within 90 research attempts. The random guarantee value will be generated again once an S Construct has arrived.",
"BaseRules[2]":"S-Rank Construct base chance: 1.5%. In Target Mode where you can select a character, you will have a better chance of getting the selected S-Rank character when you get an S-Rank character.",
"BaseRules[3]":"S-Rank Construct overall chance: 1.9%. And it is the same as other Construct Research Pools.",
"BaseRules[4]":"The guarantee value is inherited between the same type of pools and is applied in the Calibration System. For example, after an [Arrival Construct Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Construct Pool].",
"BaseRules[5]":"The Calibration System will be activated when the newly-pulled character is not your targeted one. The next S-Rank pulled is guaranteed to be your target.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In S-Rank Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank character is researched, 70% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Arrival Character",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank or above Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts A-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive A-Rank or above Construct for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive S-Rank Construct for every 60 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[3]":"The guarantee is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after an [Arrival Event Character Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Event Character Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In S-Rank Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank character is researched, 70% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Fate Themed Construct",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"1. Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"2. Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 80-100 attempts",
"MainRules[3]":"3. The overall chance is the same as the Themed Construct Pool",
"MainRules[4]":"4. The S-Rank base chance increased",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Floating Guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base chance (excluding the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined chance (including the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"A value will be generated randomly between 80 and 100. For example, if the value is 90, an S-Rank Construct is guaranteed within 90 research attempts. The random guarantee value will be generated again once an S Construct has arrived.",
"BaseRules[2]":"The base chance to get S-Rank Constructs is increased to 1.5%.",
"BaseRules[3]":"S-Rank Construct overall chance: 1.9%. And it is the same as other Construct Research Pools.",
"BaseRules[4]":"The guarantee value is inherited between the same type of pools and is applied in the Calibration System. For example, after an [Arrival Construct Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Construct Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"In S-Rank Chance",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank character is researched, 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Target Transcendant",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed S-Rank or above Transcendant every 10 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Shard Conversion",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base chance (excluding the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined chance (including the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"If you get a Transcendant that you already own, they will be converted into 18 Shards of this character.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Base chance of getting S-Rank Transcendant: 5%",
"BaseRules[3]":"Combined chance of getting S-Rank Transcendant: 12.45%",
"BaseRules[4]":"The guarantee is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after an [Arrival Event Character Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Event Character Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-rank rate",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank or above Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts A-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive A-Rank or above Construct for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive S-Rank Construct for every 60 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[3]":"The guarantee is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after an [Arrival Event Character Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Event Character Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-rank rate",
"EventRules[1]":"When a S-Rank Construct is researched, 100% chance to receive the selected rate-up construct.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Anniversary Fate",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"1. Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"2. Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 80-100 attempts",
"MainRules[3]":"3. The overall chance is the same as the Thematic Construct Pool.",
"MainRules[4]":"4. The S-Rank base chance increased",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Floating Guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base chance (excluding the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined chance (including the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"A value will be generated randomly between 80 and 100. For example, if the value is 90, an S-Rank Construct is guaranteed within 90 research attempts. The random guarantee value will be generated again once an S Construct has arrived.",
"BaseRules[2]":"S-Rank Construct base chance 1.5%.",
"BaseRules[3]":"S-Rank Construct overall chance is the same as other pools (1.9%)",
"BaseRules[4]":"The guarantee is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after an [Arrival Event Character Pool] has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Arrival Event Character Pool].",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-rank rate",
"EventRules[1]":"When a S-Rank Construct is researched, 100% chance to receive the selected rate-up construct.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Collab Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank or above Construct every 60 attempts",
"MainRules[3]":"Bonus 3 for every 10 attempts during the event",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts A-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Pool Independently Guaranteed",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive A-Rank or above Construct for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive S-Rank Construct for every 60 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[3]":"This is an all-new collab pool with independent guarantees. It will no longer be recorded after the collab event is over.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-rank Rate",
"EventRuleTitles[2]":"Bonus 3 for every 10 attempts",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank Construct is researched, 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"EventRules[2]":"Research 10 times for 3 additional research attempts (750 Collab Construct R&D Tickets)",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"TitleCN":"Fate Collab Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"1. Guaranteed A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"2. Guaranteed S-Rank Construct every 80-100 attempts",
"MainRules[3]":"3. The S-Rank base chance increased",
"MainRules[4]":"4. Bonus 3 for every 10 attempts during the event",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Floating Guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base chance (excluding the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined chance (including the guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Pool Independently Guaranteed",
"BaseRules[1]":"A value will be generated randomly between 80 and 100. For example, if the value is 90, an S-Rank Construct is guaranteed within 90 research attempts. The random guarantee value will be generated again once an S Construct has arrived.",
"BaseRules[2]":"S-Rank Construct base chance 1.5%.",
"BaseRules[3]":"S-Rank Construct overall chance is the same as other pools (1.9%)",
"BaseRules[4]":"This is an all-new collab pool with independent guarantees. It will no longer be recorded after the collab event is over.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-rank Rate",
"EventRuleTitles[2]":"Bonus 3 for every 10 attempts",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank Construct is researched, 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"EventRules[2]":"Research 10 times for 3 additional research attempts (750 Collab Construct R&D Tickets)",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next S-Rank Construct pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"Collab Weapon Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Choose any rate-up set. 80% rate in 6\u2605 pool.",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed a 5\u2605+ weapon for every 10 research attempts.",
"MainRules[3]":"Guaranteed a 6\u2605 weapon for every 30 research attempts.",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Custom Set",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Targeted Mode Details",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Pool Independently Guaranteed",
"BaseRules[1]":"Choose 1 gear set to draw. Certain sets have a chance to rate-up.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Choose a targeted weapon for a chance to greatly increase your chances.",
"BaseRules[3]":"This is an all-new collab pool with independent guarantees. It will no longer be recorded after the collab event is over.",
"BottomText":"6\u2605 Guaranteed",
"DrawBottomHint":"[Calibration] The next 6\u2605 weapon pulled is guaranteed to be your selected target."
"TitleCN":"CUB Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed A-Rank or above CUB every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed S-Rank or above CUB every 20 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Custom Set",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Target Mode Details",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Select 1 CUB to pull. Selected target gains increased chances.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Select a CUB in Target Mode for greatly increased chances.",
"BaseRules[4]":"In the CUB Target Pool, the guaranteed attempt of pulling A-Rank and S-Rank CUBs will not be affected when you change your targeted CUB, which means the guarantee progress is inherited.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"TitleCN":"Wishing Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"Guaranteed an A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts",
"MainRules[2]":"Guaranteed an S-Rank or above Construct every 60 attempts",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"10 Attempts A-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"60 Attempts S-Rank Guaranteed",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"Guaranteed to receive an A-Rank or above Construct for every 10 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[2]":"Guaranteed to receive an S-Rank Construct for every 60 research attempts.",
"BaseRules[3]":"The guarantee progress is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after the [Wishing Target] pool has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Wishing Target] pool.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-Rank Rate",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank Construct is researched, there is a 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",
"TitleCN":"Fate Wishing Target",
"TitleEN":"Standard Mode",
"MainRules[1]":"1. Guaranteed an A-Rank or above Construct every 10 attempts.",
"MainRules[2]":"2. Guaranteed an S-Rank Construct every 80-100 attempts.",
"MainRules[3]":"3. The overall chance is the same as the Arrival Pool.",
"MainRules[4]":"4. The S-Rank base chance increased.",
"BaseRuleTitles[1]":"Floating Guarantee",
"BaseRuleTitles[2]":"Base Chance (Excluding the Guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[3]":"Combined Chance (Including the Guarantee)",
"BaseRuleTitles[4]":"Research Pool Inheritance Rules",
"BaseRules[1]":"A value will be generated randomly between 80 and 100. For example, if the value is 90, an S-Rank Construct is guaranteed within 90 research attempts. The random guarantee value will be generated again once an S Construct has arrived.",
"BaseRules[2]":"S-Rank Construct base chance 1.5%.",
"BaseRules[3]":"S-Rank Construct overall chance is the same as other pools (1.9%).",
"BaseRules[4]":"The guarantee progress is inherited between the same type of pools. For example, after the [Fate Wishing Target] pool has ended, its guarantee progress will be inherited by the next [Fate Wishing Target] pool.",
"EventRuleTitles[1]":"S-Rank Rate",
"EventRules[1]":"When an S-Rank Construct is researched, there is a 100% chance to receive the rate-up character.",
"BottomText":"Guaranteed S",